Types of services

Individual sessions

empty spiral notebook near keyboard and pen
empty spiral notebook near keyboard and pen

Individual sessions focus on the needs of the individual performer, whether that be conquering performance anxiety or building motivation through conversations, strength-based exercises, self-exploration, or activities to help you achieve greatness.

The first session consists of an intake and conversations about individual needs, which is FREE.

Individual sessions can occur in person, or virtually from anywhere in the United States, depending on preference.

What qualifies as "performance" and who can we help?

Types of performers

photography of dancing ballerina
photography of dancing ballerina

"Performance" can include a wide variety of activities. Anytime you are in front of a crowd, under pressure, or a lot is at stake, you are performing. My expertise lies with performing artists, and I also have experience working with sport populations, business leaders, and exercisers.

Populations we can work with:

  • Sports (e.g., soccer, gymnastics)

  • Performing artists (e.g., musicians, singers, dancers)

  • Exercisers (e.g., health habit change)

  • Business staff (e.g., presenters, leaders)

Types of services

Team settings

boys in red jersey shirts
boys in red jersey shirts

Optimal performance often goes hand in hand with how you interact with your team or group. We offer services to groups of performers (e.g., choirs, sports teams) in many forms:

Types of services for teams:

  • Interventions offered during practice or competitions

  • Workshops and presentations, geared toward team needs as a whole

  • Team building programs to focus on communication and leadership